Collaboration Expertise
- The ServQ Alliance leaders have decades of experience in planning, piloting and implementing high quality transformation programmes with a special emphasis on team based results.
- The Alliance has produced a significant body of publications in this area including published papers, manuals, online tools, software, field guides, how to manuals, reports and reference
- Several members of our international and strategic advisory team are leading authors, trainers, researchers and teachers in collaborative working.
- The Alliance has on-line research systems and technologies to benchmark performance against international best practice and has built knowledge portals for collaboration used by hundreds of
senior practitioners.
Integrity and Objectivity
- Our people work for your team with the highest levels of integrity and respect for your people, products, service and intellectual property.
- It is important that our analysis and recommendation remain professionally objective, based on good quality analysis and systems and offer you robust and workable solutions to your challenges and
- We have your long term interests at the forefront of our delivery.
Value for Money
- A major driver for the ServQ Alliance team is the delivery of value for money for all our Clients.
- This is an important factor in the achievement of repeat business that helps us all build long-term productive relationships.
Performance Measures
- The Alliance always seeks to agree relevant performance measures to ensure Clients are satisfied with our project outcomes or secondments.
- Clients often state that ServQ Alliance's practitioners have 'gone the extra mile' and exceeded their expectations.
- Our business processes require regular performance checks and feedback, so that any issues can be recognised and dealt with as early as possible – a proactive approach to business.